What can be considered as "The First Angel". Adam is the source of everything since the second impact and the reason that NERV, SEELE and the Evangelions exist. However, Adam could become the cause of the Third Impact.
Whenever an Angel comes into contact with Adam to unite, the whole human race will be destroyed. The only force capable of stopping this from happening are the Evangelions.


AT Field is the acronym for Absolute Terror Field. The AT Field is a special kind of force field that prevents any projectile or close range weapon to hit the target. In later episodes, particularly in episode 24, Kaoru says that the AT Field is actually the soul. It can never be penetrated by anybody. Everyone has an AT Field.
Developing the same AT Field in the same wavelength can only neutralize the enemy's AT Fields. Although humans have tried to create artificial means to generate the AT field, attempts were unsuccessful.


The Dead Sea Scrolls refers to a set of leather manuscripts and papyri discovered in caves and ancient ruins of the Wilderness of Judea. The first of these discoveries took place in 1947 when a group of shepherd boys stumbled upon a group of scrolls in a cave not far from the ancient site of Khirt Qumran.
Upon examination of the documents, they have been said to originate from a library of an ancient Jewish community which flourished before and comtemporary with the birth of Christianity. Right now, over 500 manuscripts have been found in different caves within the vicinity.

Although we do not know for certain that the Dead Sea Scrolls are being followed in the Evangelion series, there are several hints within the documents that traces the origins of the Evangelion universe in the scrolls. Among them are the mentions of Adam (which caused the destruction of mankind), Angels and Children of Light.

Here is a very interesting quotation lifted from an encylopedia:

"...The concrete life of the sect and its institutions acted out these apocalyptic visions. It was organized for holy warfare in hierarchic ranks and divisions, withdrawn from active civil or military responsibility but prepared as 'children of light' to fight with God and his hosts of angelic spirits in the final battle of Armageddon."


The Dummy Plug is a new technology developed by NERV, wherein an Evangelion can be controlled even with no human pilot inside. The Dummy Plug works on the principle that it sends signals to the Evangelion that there is a pilot, then the Dummy Plug synchronizes with the Evangelion, thus eliminating the need for the pilot.
The Dummy Plug System was later on revealed by Ritsuko Akagi as being the impressions of Rei placed within the plug. There are dozens of Rei within Terminal Dogma, wherein the Dummy Plug is being made.


In episode 14, Rei calls the entry plug as the throne of the soul. Her description of the entry plug is quite appropriate since it is through the Entry Plug that the Evangelion pilots enter the body of the Evangelion.
The entry plug is filled with the liquid called LCL and the pilots control the Evangelions through thought and through operating two control sticks which responses to the Evangelion unit's hands.

The entry plug is located at the back of an Evangelion unit.




NERV'S headquarters is in Geo-Front, the huge underground complex underneath Tokyo-3. The complex was designed as the last line of defense against the Angels. Built to last even if it is severed from contact from the outside world, the Geo-Front is a whole world within itself complete will all the things required to sustain life.
More than 89% of the facilities are hidden underground.


One of the truths covered during the Second Impact was the existence of this Giant of Light. Nothing is known for now, except for the fact that Gendo himself tried to destroy all the papers and evidence that this thing existed.


Also known as the goo. This is the liquid that enables the pilots of synchronize with their respective Evangelion units.
This fluid is first ejected into the entry plug and then is energize, when this happens, this fluid becomes similar to a liquid type of breathable oxygen with the pilots can use. The LCL fluid can also be used as a barrier against a psychic attack.

However, Shinji always comments that the LCL fluid smells like blood...hmmm...


What can be considered as "The First Angel". Lilith was actually thought of those be Adam, but was later revealed by Kaoru that it was actually Lilith that was nailed to the cross.
It would seem that mankind has already known of Lilith existence, due to the fact that the SEELE logo has the seven eyes of Lilith.

This is not the one that will cause the Third Impact, wherein an Angel and Adam must unite. Lilith is found at Terminal Dogma (the lowest point of the Geo-Front) nailed to a cross.


The MAGI Supercomputers is the group of three supercomputers that control NERV headquarters. Although Balthasar, Melchor and Caspar may look the same, they differ in programming. This difference makes a good Artificial Intelligence possible and sometimes the MAGI would also deliberate on a problem.
The MAGI Supercomputers used the personality transplant OS, where the personality of a person is transferred to a seventh generation system (same with an Evangelion). Since Ritsuko's mother worked with the development of the MAGI system, her brain was placed inside the MAGI system.

The system was finished in the year 2010 AD, the same year when Ritsuko's mother committed suicide.


N2 stands for Non-Nuclear bomb or mine. Used in the first episode of Evangelion, N2 mines are probably the strongest weapon that the UN fleet has against the Angels.
However, due to the fact that Angels have AT Fields, N2 mines merely scratch the surface of the Angels however fails to destroy them.


An organization directly attached to the United Nations, the existence of which is not known to the general public. NERV is also the executive branch of SEELE.
Possessing super-advanced technology, it was the one responsible for the development and possession of the Evangelion units. Their base is located underground and is called the Geo-Front.

Their supreme commander is Gendo Ikari.

NERV was originally formed as the Geihrin Project in 2003 AD, but was later dissolved by Chairman Keel Lorenz and the organization known as NERV was born in 2010 AD.


Used by Evangelion pilots to increase synchronization with their respective Evangelion units. These are uniquely designed suits that shrink to fit their wearer's size.
These plug suits also enable the pilot to retain body heat for a period of time (a sort of space suit). These plug suits can also be specially designed to protect the pilot from extreme heat as well.


The Angels are powered by S2 Engines giving them unlimited power for an unlimited time. On the other hand, Evangelions are not designed to use S2 Engines however, during an expect chain of events, Evangelion Unit 01 was able to ingulf a S2 Engine within its body making the future need of Unit 01 for external power virtual moot (however the engine has to be activated).
The S2 Engine's power is so vast that during testing with Unit 04 in Nevada, USA, the whole facility (including Unit 04) blew up and was never found.


The Second Impact is the catastrophe when the Antarctic Polar Ice Caps melted during AD 2000. Although the United Nations covered the whole event as a gigantic meteorite impact, it was actually caused by an Angel that exploded.
The concrete figures to the extent of the devastation due to the Second Impact is not yet known, however, this was one of the reasons that the United Nations created NERV. This special strategic defense force was instituted to prevent a possible Third Impact.

The Second Impact also affected the lives of several of the key characters in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Among others, Misato Katsuragi's father was killed while trying to save her life from the destructive force of the Angel. Misato is the only living person to see "hell".

Ritsuko reveals the cause of the Second Impact: Man did something and found God. When man tried to pick-up God, God punished him through this catastrophe.


The committee that knows and controls everything. SEELE is the one responsible for the cover-up of the truth during the Second Impact, the activities of NERV and the Evangelion project. It seems that all of this is tied up with the revelations within the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Little is known about SEELE or how it started. SEELE's logo (7 eyes) are actually taken from Lilith's face design.


A planned city, under construction near Lake Ashino, in Hakone. In preparation for the coming of the Angels, Tokyo-3 was made into a fortress city. Under the camouflage of skyscrapers are facilities known as "Armament Buildings". These contain missles and other heavy fire power weaponry, as well as other weapons used by the Evangelions.