White Magic
Name MP Description
Cure 4 Restores a small amount of HP
Cura 10 Restores a average amount of HP
Curaga 20 Restores a massive amount of HP
Esuna 5 Heals Alley's of all status elements (ineffective with zombie, curse, doom, KO
Scan 1 Tells enemy's weakness, HP, , Attributes, and Immunities
Nulblaze 2 Grants immunity to entire party against 1 fire attack
Nulfrost 2 Grants immunity to entire party against 1 blizzard attack
Nulshock 2 Grants immunity to entire party against 1 lightning attack
Nultide 2 Grants immunity to entire party against 1 water attack
Life 18 Removes character from KO, and restores a small amount of HP
Full-Life 60 Removes character from KO, and restores characters HP fully
Haste 8 Quickens the ability for a character to attack
Hastega 30 Quickens the ability for all alleys to attack
Slow 12 Slows the rate of enemy attack
Slowga 20 Slows the rate of all enemy attack
Shell 10 Provides protection from magic damage (does NOT make you immune)
Protect 12 Provides protection from physical damage
Reflect 14 Bounces magical attack from a character to an enemy or vise versa dealing both healing and attacking magic
Dispel 12 Terminates any spell effects already cast on an enemy such as shell, protect, haste, reflect
Regen 40 Gradually recover HP
Holy 85 Deals holy damage to an enemy
Auto-Life 97 Automatically revives an alley the next time he/she is KO'd, and also restores a small amount of HP
Black Magic
Name MP Description
Fire 4 Deals a  small amount of fire damage
Fira 8 Deals an iressive amount of fire damage
Firaga 16 Deals a massive amount of fire damage
Thunder 8 Deals a small amount of lightning damage
Thundara 8 Deals an iressive amount of lightning damage
Thundaga 16 Deals a massive amount of lightning damage
Water 4 Deals a small amount of water damage
Watera 8 Deals an iressive amount of water damage
Waterga 16 Deals a massive amount of water damage
Blizzard 4 Deals a small amount of ice damage
Blizzara 8 Deals an iressive amount of ice damage
Blizzaga 16 Deals a massive amount of ice damage
Bio 10 Poisons the enemy, which drains HP from it after every turn it takes
Demi 32 Reduces the enemy's HP by 1/4
Death 20 Can instantly KO the enemy
Drain 12 Transfers enemy's HP to the caster
Osmose None Transfers enemy's the caster
Flare 54 Deals non-elemental damage to the enemy. Works well against enemies that absorb or resist certain elements
Ultima 90 Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies. Also useful against enemies that absorb or resist certain elements.
Blue Magic/Kimahri Skills
Name Description Enemy You Get it From
Jump Damage single enemy Kimahri begins with this
Seed Cannon Damage single enemy Grath, Balsam
Thrust Kick Damage single enemy Metal Soldier Type 11
Aqua Breath Damage by Water to all the enemies Kimaira, Kimaira Brain
White Wind Recovers half of the HP of all the allies Dark Purine
Mighty Guard Cast Barrier and shield to all allies Behemoth, King Behemoth
Flame Damage by Fire to all the enemies Grendel, Dual Horn
Selfdestruct Forces suicide on enemies Bomb, Grenade
Stone Breath Cause the Petrified state to all enemies Basilisk, Hedge Viper
Death Sentence The enemies die in 5 turns Ghost
Bad Breath Causes several altered states to all enemies Marlboro, Marlboro Great
Sunshine Damage to all the enemies Omega