King of the Hill is another animation hit for Beavis and Butthead creator Mike Judge, who also voices the starring character Hank Hill, a propane gas salesman in the fictional town Arlen, Texas. Hank is often besieged by the idiosyncrasies of society, but he finds (some) serenity in his home-life with his wife, substitute Spanish teacher Peggy, his awkward son Bobby and his live-in niece-in-law Luanne Platter. Adding flavor to the ordinary dish the series serves are Hank's friends, divorcee military barber Bill Dauterive, paranoid Dale Gribble (with an obsession with Government conspiracy theories) and gibberish spouting Boomhauer.

NAME: Hank Hill

OCCUPATION: Salesman of propane and propane accessories with honor and dignity.

THE TWO WOMEN IN HIS LIFE: His guitar Betsy and his wife Peggy.

QUOTE: "Nobody likes a knowitall who sits around talking about their genitalia."

DREAM VACATION: All expenses paid week long mowing workshop at the Lawn Care Academy of America


NAME: Peggy Hill
OCCUPATION: Mother, housewife, substitute Spanish teacher

PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT: Texas State Boggle Champion

QUOTE: "You cannot make authentic guacamole out of lima beans and Ritz crackers."


NAME: Robert (Bobby) Jeffrey Hill

OCCUPATION: Middle school student and pride and joy of Hank and Peggy

AMBITION: Ladies' man, runway model, proctologist, comic (stand-up or prop), shaman, salesman of propane and propane accessories
QUOTE: "I'm a little worried about being a slut."


NAME: Luanne Platter

OCCUPATION: Senior at junior college.

BIG AMBITION: To be the first women president of my sorority. Wait, maybe the second.
QUOTE: "It is very important to always know your name. Here's a little trick I use to remember mine: I think of a man named Lu, and a woman named Anne. They meet in a kingdom in a forest - okay, maybe that's too complicated."
SECRET SHAME: Was raised in a trailer park

NAME: Dale Gribble

OCCUPATION: Licensed owner/operator of "Dale's Dead Bug."

HOBBIES: Paranoia, smoking, golf

QUOTE: "Guns don't kill people. The Government does."

FAVORITE CONSPIRACY: You really believe they landed on the moon?

NAME: Bill Dauterive

OCCUPATION: Barber for the Armed Forces of America

MARITAL STATUS: Unhappily divorced

LIFE'S DREAM: Someday his wife will call and tell him where she is

QUOTE: "I like beer. Don't you like beer? I mean, I love beer."

NAME: Dang ol' Boomhauer, man, tell you 'bout myself woowee turn ons ladies and back seats man sunsets fast cars man, yup love that CK1 like catnip, turn-offs uhuh women golfers man love that Bob Dylan like a rolling stone what'd he say, brief man myself yup dang ol' internet man. Go click click naked chicks yup that's all me uhuh on the next biography man.