To use these items, you must arm yourself and press the A or B Button. At the start of your quest, you will have nothing. Your inventory of items will increase one by one as you meet people and explore the depths of the dungeons. You change items on the Sub-Screen. move the cursor to the item you want to get ready using the Control Pad, and then press the Button you want to assign to that item (A or B). You can use certain items, such as the Bow, a limited number of times. The number of times you can use an item is displayed next to it. Keep this number in mind when selecting an item for use. There are also different levels of power for your Sword and Shield. When the power level of these items increase, the level will be displayed next to them.

Sword-- This trusty blade is your main weapon. You can use it to attack enemies or cut the grass. Rumor has it that there is a more powerful Sword hidden on Koholint Island.

Shield--Use the shield to protect yourself from enemy arrows or stone attacks. If you can find a way to make your shield more powerful, you can protect yourself from attacks that your regular shield couldn't handle.

Power Bracelet--This magical Bracelet will make your body brim with strength and enable you to heft clumps of grass, earthen pots and heavy stones. With your increased strength you can also pull levers. It is said that there exists an even more powerful version of this mighty jewelry that gives its wearer the power to lift elephants.

Magic Powder--This Powder, made from the Sleepy Mushrooms on Koholint Island, has magical powers. Try to sprinkle it on many things to test its effects. If you find a Sleepy Mushroom, take it to a witch, and have her change the mushroom into Powder for you.

Sleepy Mushroom--This is but one of the many types of mushrooms that grow in the fine tropical climate of Koholint Island. Witches use this mushroom as an ingredient for magic powder. Eating this mushroom, or any other, without the advice of an expert is not recommended.

Roc's Feather--This legendary treasure has been handed down from olden times on Koholint Island. The magical Feather makes the bearer's body much lighter and allows him to jump very high. the jumping ability bestowed by this feather is useful for avoiding enemy attacks or jumping over pits.

Hook Shot--The business end of the Hook Shot can be thrust into pots, treasure chests or blocks. You can then reel in the chain and pull yourself to the hook. This grappling hook can also be used to attack enemies or pick up items that are out of reach.

Magic Rod--The holder of this Rod is the master of fire and can blast fireballs to attack his enemies. You can also use the flames from the Rod to light lanterns in dungeons. This item can be used an unlimited number of times.

Shovel--The Shovel is useful for digging holes in the ground. Who knows what kind of buried treasure you might find? Keep in mind that some parts of the ground are too hard to dig.

Bow--The Bow allows you to attack distant enemies. You can use the Bow only if you have arrows, so always keep an eye on the number of arrows you have left. If you run out of arrows, you can get more at shops.

Bomb--The explosive force of this device can damage enemies or knock holes in walls. After you have placed a Bomb, you can pick it up and throw it if you act quickly. You can place only a single bomb at a time.

Ocarina--The Ocarina plays several mystical melodies. You will learn songs from people you meet. there are three different songs you can learn, and each has its own mystical power. After learning a new song, try playing it when you are in trouble.

Pegasus Boots--This magical pair of footwear is another legendary treasure. These Boots will allow you to run at incredible speeds and ram into objects with great force. Press and hold the Button to start running. If you press the Control Pad in a direction other than the one you are running in, you will come to a halt.


These items are different from the Selected Items in that you use them automatically if you enter a situation where you need them.

Yoshi Doll--This small doll is a miniature image of the most popular character on koholint Island. Everyone wants a Yoshi Doll! Where on earth are you going to get hold of this doll?! And once you have one, what can you do with it?

Flippers--If you acquire the Flippers, you'll be able to swim! When in the water, press the A Button to swim and the B Button to dive.

Secret Medicine--If you have this in your possession when all of your Heart Containers are empty, they will be fully restored.

Gold Leaves--The prince of a certain country will ask you to find these during your adventure. They are said to be found in a castle. When you have all five Gold Leaves, you can swap them for a dungeon key.

Secret Shells--These shells can be found scattered throughout Koholint Island. Try searching for them in tall grass or under water. If you find enough of them, something good is bound to happen.


These keys open the entrances to dungeons. If you do not have the correct key for a dungeon, you will not be able to enter it.

Tail Key

Slime Key

Angler Key

Bird Key

Face Key


The stalwart and thorough explorer will find eight dungeons on Koholint Island. Though these are crawling with formidable creatures that will try to make a meal out of you, you must search every nook and cranny of these dark and dreary places. The Dungeon Items below can be used only in the dungeon that you find them in. They cannot be carried to another dungeon and used there. You can see which dungeon items you currently possess on the Sub Screen.

Treasure Chests-You will find many treasure chests in the dungeons. These can contain rupees, items that will increase your power, and dungeon items. (You can open and take the contents of a treasure chest only once.) Some treasure chests are in plain view ; others will appear only after you have defeated all of the monsters in a room.

Map and Compass-The Map will show you all the rooms in the dungeon. The Compass will indicate the location of the dungeon's Nightmare and the position of treasure chests that you have not opened yet.

Stone Slabs and Fragments-If you place the stone slab fragment into the stone slab, you will be able to get a hint about how to conquer the dungeon.

Nightmare Key and Small Keys-You will need the Nightmare Key to enter the Nightmare's lair. The Small Keys, which can be used only once, are used to open other locked doors in the dungeon.