Link - The hero of the story, Link is the protector of princess Zelda and the savior of the land Hyrule. He accidently finds himself in the land of Talmina, and he is the only one who can save it from certain doom.
Link can change forms using masks he might find on his quest. He is the same Link who was chosen by The Great Deku Tree to save Hyrule from the clutchs of the evil king of the Gerudos - Ganondorf.
After defeating Ganondorf and his evil alter-ego Ganon he is flung into a new adventure in the strange land of Talmina.

Link's other guises - In Majora's Mask, Link can turn into several other character by doning a masks from all over Talmina.
He can turn into a Deku Shrub by putting on the Deku Mask, a Goron by putting on a Goron Mask and a Zora by putting on a Zora Mask.
As well as this if you collect all the masks in the game you will be given an Adult Link mask which will turn you into "Oni Link" who is three times the size of young link, unforunaty you can only turn into him for the fight with the final boss, still fun though!!

Stullkid - An imp who once had no friends, he is the companion of Chat and Trail. He makes a living by stealing what he can from whoever he meets.
By some coincidence, he has stolen the Mask of Majora from the Mask Seller as well as Link's Ocarina of Time and beloved Epona.
He may not be all that bad, but as long as he is wearing the Mask of Majora,
it can control him and turn his mind evil!! He is Link's arch enemy in Majora's Mask.

Epona - Link's horse of choice. Stalkid runs away on her after he steals the ocarina, but seems to abandon her once he gets away.
Link can call her instantly to anywhere in the world, once he finds where she has gone and learns the right song.

These are groups of people Link meets on his quest in Talmina

The Deku People - They live by the waterfall and can't stand to have non-Deku people enter their kingdom. If you want to get in, you will need to be a Deku.
It is said that their princess has been kidnapped, and a monkey is being help captive and taking the blame. Their royal family are like all royal families mad!!
In the picture above they are shown in all their.... umm.... glory **cough**! From the left: The Prime Minister, Deku Princess, King Deku, the Kings attendants.

The Zora People - The water and land dwelling race that lives in the Zora Hole by Great Bay. The Zora people can swim fast and love music.
If you go to their village, maybe you can hear or take part in the Zora Band whos lead singer is Lulu!

The Bomber Gang - A group of little kids who hang around The Clock Tower Town and look for fights!
You will have to play a game of hide and seak with them to get a secret password to help you advance in the game.
You also need them to help get the Log Book. Don't they look just sssooooo cool?!?!

As a Deku Scrub, Link can pump out blaringly loud tunes by playing the Deku Pipes.

Mikau plays guitar in a popular Zoran band known as the Indigo-Gos. When Link wears the Zoran Mask, he has no problem wielding the axe.

Link swipes at a Leever while strolling through the Great Bay Coast.

Each mask serves a specific purpose. You don't have to find them all to save Termina, but to truly conquer the game you should not let any escape your...

Link prepares to battle Odolwa, the fierce guardian of the Woodfall Temple.

Only while wearing the Garo's Mask will you be able to enter Ikana Canyon. You'll receive hints from hidden Garos, and some enemies will completely ignore...