Genesis 0:5/Episode 09 - With One Accord In A Flash

It would seam that Asuka is proving to be quite popular amongst Shinji's classmates, however, he, Toji and Kensuke know better having had to put up with her constant arrogance during their last Angel encounter, but it's not a complete loss. Fortunately for them Asuka's photos don't reveal her personality, meaning a further source of income for the three. Whilst Asuka attends her first day at a Japanese school, Kaji is shamelessly attending to his own personal interests. Having given up the doomed battle to rekindle the flame between himself and Misato, he's now taken a shine to Ritsuko much to Misato's annoyance.

The seventh Angel, Israfel, is making its way towards Tokyo-3, however, due to recent damage incurred to the city's intercept system, NERV are forced to engage the Angel at the water's edge just before it reaches land. It is also decided to launch Units 01 and 02, much to Asuka's dislike, to limit further damage to the city. Both pilots are soon in for a shock, however, when they discover the Angel's ability to duplicate its self. Consequently both pilots, unprepared, confused and unwilling to co-operate together, loose the confrontation in an embarrassing manor and so NERV are forced to withdraw and rethink their plan of attack.

Fortunately the damage caused by Unit 02 and the N2 mine detonated on the Angel by the UN buys NERV some time whilst it regenerates. NERV have six days until the Angel fully regenerates and resumes its attack on Tokyo-3. Misato therefore has Asuka stay with her and Shinji in order to get them to co-operate before NERV implement their second attack on the Angel, however, the process of getting Asuka to work with Shinji turns out to be a tricky one, not to mention embarrassing.

Day six finally arives and as predicted the Angel resumes its attack on the city, now Asuka and Shinji must put aside their differences and work together for NERV to stand any hope of defeating the Angel.

Genesis 0:5/Episode 10 - Magma Diver

Asuka's hopes of attending a school trip are dashed when she learns that herself, Shinji and Rei are on permanent standby as ordered by Misato, matters are also made worse when she learns that Misato has got hold of hers and Shinji's report cards. Due to their poor academic records, Misato has them both use the free time to catch up on their studies, obviously Asuka objects.

NERV learn of the possible existence of the eighth Angel, Sandalphon, an unborn Angel deep within the crater of mount Asama, it is therefore decided to descend a probe into the crater to verify the chrysalis's existence. NERV's speculation is soon proved correct and so preparations are made for the Angel's capture. This time NERV plan to take on the offensive as opposed to their usual defensive role, however, the events leading up to the second impact are all to familiar for certain NERV personnel, should they fail a possible third impact could be imminent. Commander Ikari's intentions to capture a living specimen for which to study also has the UN committee concerned; the last thing they need is a replay of the second impact.

Despite the controversy surrounding the plan, Ikari is given the go ahead to carry out the operation, though should any complications arise, NERV are under strict orders from the UN committee to terminate the Angel immediately. Much to Shinji's surprise, Asuka is chosen to carry out the operation in Unit 02. With Kaji still lurking around NERV HQ, Asuka is more than happy to take on the task, though her enthusiasm is soon lost when she gets her first glimpse of her new embarrassingly heat resistant entry plug suit. Unit 02's D type equipment is also laughable, designed to cope with extreme conditions rather than the latest fashion, which leads to Asuka coming close to aborting the mission, however, her pride forces her onwards.

Due to the extreme pressures encountered during the descent, Unit 02's progressive knife is lost, but this is the least of NERV's problems when, having captured the chrysalis, the Angel hatches prematurely attacking Unit 02. With no weaponry with which to take on the Angel and submerged within molten lava, Asuka soon finds herself in dire trouble.

Genesis 0:6/Episode 11 - In The Still Darkness

Having picked up their laundry, Ritsuko and Maya Ibuki, one NERV's scientists, unintentionally meet up with Commander Kouzou Fuyutsuki on their way home via the Tokyo-3 loop line. Fuyutsuki's on important business due to represent Commander Ikari in a city council meeting. Ritsuko makes small talk by casually mentioning the city's up coming election, but soon learns from the Commander that the election is effectively irrelevant. Apparently the MAGI, the same three super computers that NERV use, are now responsible for most of the city's decision making.

Without any warning all power to the geo front and NERV HQ is suddenly cut and the three backup power supply systems fail to respond leaving NERV crippled. For all three systems to fail is unheard of and a near impossibility implying one thing; they didn't go on their own accord. This leaves NERV defenceless and vulnerable to an Angel attack, the situation is even worse for Misato who's trapped inside an elevator along with Kaji as her only source of company. Asuka, Rei and Shinji, however, are stranded out side NERV HQ struggling to gain access to the complex, fortunately Asuka's leadership skills, based heavily on Rei's guidance, sees the party headed in the right direction.

The ninth Angel, Matariel, is headed towards Tokyo-3. With NERV unaware of the Angel's presence and all communications with them lost, the JASDF fly directly over the city informing the inhabitants of the imminent Angel attack. NERV eventually learn of the situation and so Commander Ikari has Units 00, now having finished being upgraded, 01 and 02 prepared for manual launch, the pilots also finally arrive in their usual argumentative manor.

All three Units are launched and engage the Angel, which is positioned directly above them and NERV HQ. It's attacking using some kind of extremely corrosive acid, which is melting through the geo front's defensive armour and also that of the Evas'. With the Angel's strange offensive capabilities, an all out frontal assault is out of the question, however, Asuka has a half descent plan of her own for a change, one which might actually work.

Genesis 0:6/Episode 12 - The Value Of A Miracle Is

Misato has a flashback to 2000 AD, 15 years ago, and the exact point in time when the second impact struck Earth. She recalls how her fatally injured father hurriedly secured her within an escape pod before contact with the impact's shock wave, and then looking out from sea back on the horrific devastation caused by the first Angel.

The latest harmonics test reveals Shinji to be somewhat of a talented Eva pilot, his harmonics and synchronisation ratios are rapidly catching up with Asuka's much to her disgust, however, Misato knows that this isn't really what Shinji wants. Later whilst being driven home after the test, Shinji congratulates Misato on her promotion to the rank of Major, but it would seem that Misato isn't to thrilled about the idea. Nevertheless the celebrations go ahead, as ordered by Kensuke, and even Kaji manages to turn up, although accompanied by Ritsuko.

Whilst Commanders Ikari and Fuyutsuki attend business in Antarctica, home now to the true dead sea, Misato's left in charge of NERV for the very first time. Unfortunately though, her debut as head of NERV's operations isn't going to be an easy one as the tenth Angel, Sahaqiel, shows up, this time in space directly above the Indian ocean. The Angel's effectively a huge living bomb and is targeting NERV HQ by dropping small fragments of its self on to the Earth whilst steadily correcting its error ratio. Once the Angel has acquired its target, NERV suspect that the Angel its self will descend on to NERV HQ effectively wiping it off the map, therefore Misato is now faced with the near impossible task of preventing such an event from taking place.

By expanding their AT fields, Misato intends for all three Evas to catch the Angel before it strikes the ground. To describe the plan as futile would be an understatement, but with the only other option being to sit back and watch the third branch of NERV being destroyed, Misato is willing to risk all three Evas. Prior to the operation, Misato confides in Shinji revealing her true feelings towards her father and her reasons for joining NERV, this in turn reveals her hatred towards the Angels and why she's willing to risk sacrificing the Evas.

Genesis 0:7/Episode 13 - Angel Invasion

With the advance of time comes the need for Eva technology to advance as well, therefore Ritsuko is running a new harmonics test, however, this time the pilots must undergo the test naked to avoid their entry plug suits from interfering with the results. Ritsuko needs the data to create an emergency auto pilot system for the Evas, but this still doesn't change the awkward situation that the pilots find themselves in.

The test starts successfully according to plan, but concern is soon raised when corrosion is detected in the protein wall above the test room. Unwilling to abort the test due to a minor technicality, Ritsuko allows the test to continue, however, this soon turns out to be a mistake when contamination within the test room is suddenly detected. Analysis of the corrosion reveals that it is in fact a living organism, blood type blue; the eleventh Angel, Ireul. Having infiltrated NERV HQ, the Angel starts rapidly expanding contaminating everything within its path, including the Eva simulation test bodies. To this end the pilots' entry plugs are ejected and all three Evas launched to prevent them from being contaminated and taken over by the Angel.

NERV soon discover that the Angel has the ability to evolve at an astounding rate, its defence mechanism is that of achieving total adaptability. To make matters even worse, the Angel's effectively an organic computer and hacks into NERV's computer system with ease, it then goes on to hacking into the MAGI but succeeds only in gaining control of Melchior and partly Balthasar before Ritsuko devises a plan temporarily halting the Angel's progress.

Ritsuko buys NERV around two hours before the Angel continues its infiltration of the MAGI, fortunately Casper, the third MAGI, remains uncontaminated which gives Ritsuko her starting point in defeating the Angel. She plans to hack into the Angel using Casper followed by uploading an auto self-destruct program leading the Angel to an evolutionary dead end. For the plan to succeed, however, NERV must first reprogram Casper in time to carry out the task and Ritsuko must place all her faith in her late mother, creator of the MAGI, and Casper's ability to work faster than the Angel.

Genesis 0:7/Episode 14 - SEELE, Throne Of Souls

This episode commences with a brief recap on most of the Angels encountered to date starting with the third Angel and the first battle of Tokyo-3. The recap also includes excerpts from characters' personal diaries and the manner in which each Angel was destroyed.

Commander Ikari is summoned to the UN committee which is alarmed at the rumoured Angel invasion of NERV and central Dogma. As the incident was not in accordance with the committee's predictions, based on the dead sea scrolls discovered in Antarctica, they are understandably panicked by the rumour that they know to be true, despite Ikari's denial of such events claming that the committee was misinformed. With no real evidence to throw at Ikari, however, the committee drops the issue.

Whilst sitting within the cockpit of Unit 01, Rei experiences several surreal dreamlike ramblings mainly concerned with her existence and purpose in life. The reason for Rei's presence in Unit 01 is due to a series of new tests being carried out by Ritsuko who is experimenting with pilot/Eva compatibility. Rei's test proceeds nicely, however, Shinji's goes horribly wrong for unknown reasons leading to a repeat of Rei's failed first attempt to synchronise with Unit 00. Fortunately this time, however, the pilot isn't harmed physically by a malfunctioning auto ejection system, though Shinji does mentally relive some of Rei's past memories.

Again Shinji awakens in hospital, this time to find himself staring at a now familiar ceiling. With no mental contamination he'll be fine, but he doesn't remember the events which took place during the test. The last time this kind of incident occured it was suspected that the cause was due to mental instability within the pilot, however, this latest incident reveals that the instability came infact from the Eva!

Genesis 0:8/Episode 15 - Lies And Silence

Kaji, whilst investigating yet another company supposedly affiliated with the Marduk institute, an advisory body established under the control of the human instrumentality commitee for the purpose of selecting Eva pilots, meets up with one of his informants. His informant reveals that all the companies investigated to date have so far turned out to be dummies, and that Kaji's latest assignment is likely to be no different. Kaji's actually a spy secretly investigating NERV on behalf of the Japanese government, however, he also works for NERV special inspections as part of his cover.

Tomorrow's Shinji's big day, he's arranged to visit his mother's grave along with his father, however, he's not sure as to how to handle the situation or what to say. It's been a while since Shinji last spoke to his father properly, and the two haven't exactly been on speaking terms since the day Shinji ran away. On several occasions now Gendo's been seen talking happily with Rei, they have the kind of relationship that Shinji has always sought after, but why this relationship exists between them is unknown to Shinji, with this in mind he seeks advice from Rei.

Kaji, Misato and Ritsuko go out for the night to relax and relive old memories. In Misato's temporary absence, Kaji learns from Ritsuko that there is still hope for him and Misato yet, he's also given a friendly piece of advice cautioning him to keep his nose out of NERV's more delicate matters. Ritsuko claims to have important work to complete and so leaves the others to finish off the night, however, Misato ends up finishing off a little too much drink instead. Kaji escorts a drunken Misato home, actually he carries her. On the way she confides in her exlover revealing her true feelings towards her father and generally drowning her sorrows, but when she starts putting herself down Kaji intervenes with a kiss. It would seem that Misato still cares a great deal about him and that Ritsuko might just be right after all.

The following morning Misato catches Kaji breaking into the very heart of NERV, terminal Dogma. With a gun pointed to his head, Kaji has few options, though Misato's soon left stunned when he reveals one of the many truths kept hidden from her, the first Angel; Adam.

Genesis 0:8/Episode 16 - Sickness Unto Death, And...

The latest set of results from NERV's now routine harmonics tests reveal that Shinji's synchronisation ratio has now surpassed that of Asuka's, obviously this pisses her off to no end. Knowing this gives Shinji a lot more confidence in himself, so much so that when the twelfth Angel, Leliel, shows up, Shinji gladly accepts the option to take up the point position for the mission.

Unfortunately Shinji's new found self confidence leads to him taking on the Angel alone, however, this is a huge mistake with an outcome which no one could have predicted. Shinji's volley of fire at the Angel suspended above the city has no effect, the Angel merely vanishes, after which a large shadow forms under Unit 01 which pulls Unit 01 in completely engulfing it whilst Shinji can only scream in terror. Currently unable to defeat such an adversary and with the loss of Unit 01, Misato, with extreme reluctance, orders Units 00 and 02 to fall back.

Based on what little data NERV are able to establish from the Angel, Ritsuko concludes that the object seen above the city is in fact the Angel's shadow, and that the expanding void on the city floor is the actual Angel. The Angel's only three nano meters in depth, but contained within the ultra thin space in an inverted AT field containing the Angel's body. Ritsuko takes control of the operation with a plan to drop all nine hundred and ninety two existing N2 mines into the Angel's body with the hope of completely destroying it, but this is hardly a rescue plan. So much explosive power would also be likely to destroy Unit 01 along with Shinji, but Ritsuko would rather see the Eva destroyed as opposed to loosing it to the Angel. Misato's disgusted with the fact that the Evas take priority over the pilots, however, she has no say in the matter. Again Misato is left in the dark, what's so special about the Evas?

With Shinji capable of surviving for only sixteen hours, in minimal life support mode, without external power and his time nearing the end, Ritsuko decides to advance the operation with the slim chance of rescuing him in mind. But as the order is issued to drop all N2 mines something extraordinary, and yet also horrifying, occurs inside the Angel's body.

Genesis 0:9/Episode 17 - The 4th Child

Misato is summoned before the UN committee where she is questioned directly on the events that took place during the last mission and whether she believes the pilot of Unit 01 to be fit to resume active duty. Meanwhile, whilst this is all happening within NERV HQ, Toji makes his daily visit to the hospital to check on the progress of his little sister who was injured during the first battle of Tokyo-3.

All hell breaks out at NERV as they learn that the second branch of NERV in the Nevada desert, America, has just vanished from the face of the Earth along with EVA-04, its newly installed experimental S2 engine and thousands of people. Ritsuko believes the disappearances to be related to the manor in which Unit 01 was engulfed by the twelfth Angel, but without any clues as to what caused the disaster, Ritsuko can only speculate at best what happened. Therefore the US government, unwilling to risk NERV's first branch, force EVA-03 onto the third branch of NERV in Tokyo-3, of course the decision to unload all their problems on to branch three is proving very unpopular with Misato.

With the arrival of Unit 03, NERV find themselves with the prospect of having to activate the Eva for the first time. Ritsuko believes the use of the prototype dummy plug autopilot system would be ill advised, and so a fourth Eva pilot is found, but the speed at which the fourth child is found causes Misato to become extremely suspicious. Unable to get any answers from Ritsuko, Misato decides to seek help from Kaji who later reveals to her that the Marduk institute doesn't even exist, and that NERV its self is responsible for Eva pilot selection.

Knowing the fourth child to be another of Shinji's classmates, Toji Suzuhara, makes Misato's task of informing Shinji of the new pilot very difficult indeed. Shinji's been through some tough stages recently, even depression, therefore Misato is understandably weary of exposing him to any more stress, but with Shinji bound to find out sooner as opposed to later, Misato figures she'll have no choice but to tell him regardless. Asuka's also not looking forward to the arrival of the new pilot, the last thing she needs is more competition.