DAMAGE: 10% - 20%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: A tall, huge monster with elongated arms for close and distant attacks. The monster appears to attack by swinging its elongated arms and sometimes releases a blade from its wrist to attack.


DAMAGE: 5% - 10%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: Mutated agile demon dogs that have bandages around its face, legs, and abdomen regions. The demon dogs attack by jumping at the protagonist and biting directly into the flesh.


DAMAGE: 15% - 30%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: A large cocoon wrapped monster that hangs from the ceilings and uses its very sharp and long razor hands to cut into your flesh and bones. The monster attacks by quickly using its long razor hands to slice you and moves quickly around area avoiding your attacks.


DAMAGE: 25% - 30%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: A very large monster who appears to very glutton. When you come across them, they are always sitting or lying down. If you keep a distance between yourself and then, they stay in their position. But if you do go near them they attack by swinging punches, then if you start to run from them they let of a burst of speed and chase you but they get tired quick and sit back down to rest.


DAMAGE: 15% - 30%

LOCATION: Brookhaven Hospital

DESCRIPTION: The bobble heads (aka nurses) all have weapons. They vary from where you are and what section of the hospital you are in. Some nurses have metal poles or spiked poles they attack with a swinging motion. Also, at one point in the hospital, some of the bobble heads were even armed with revolvers, which are annoying because they continuously get in your way. A couple of shots from the handgun or a shot from the shotgun will take them out easily.


DAMAGE: 15% - 20%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: The slurpers attack by charging across the floor and knocking you over. Also, when you shoot them a couple of times and they stop moving theres a second attack if you go to close to them. While twitching they grab by the legs and start to bite you, after being realesed they start moving again.


DAMAGE: 5% - 10%

LOCATION: Appearing throughout entire game

DESCRIPTION: The creature appears to resemble a fish-like creature with no arms. The monster attacks by shooting spikes and/or using a sharp blade that pretrudes from front "facial area". They attack in groups and there is also a larger version of the numb body too.


DAMAGE: Does not attack

LOCATION: Various Encounters

DESCRIPTION: Attendant of God. Or, the one that observes the Holy Mother. For that reason, it can't hurt Heather directly. It shows itself in various places, but it is one unified existence. As for the characteristics of its external appearance, it has torn skin, and can give rise to a "mouth" in the left occipital region (back of the head).


DAMAGE: 10% - 20%

LOCATION: Alternate Chapel

DESCRIPTION: The creature is a smaller version of the Missionary Boss. The Scraper attacks by using its sharp claws to attack and the Scraper runs etremely fast at its victim. So be careful because the Scrapers are located where there is minimal moving space.