This page gives information about bosses of all forms


Moldorm -- Boss of Tail Cave (L:1). Hit the flashing part of his tail with your sword and either use your shield or Roc's Feather to avoid getting hit down a pit. 4 hits does him in, but if you fall, you must start the battle over again.

Genie -- Boss of Bottle Grotto (L:2). As he comes out of his lamp, walk and jump around the room to avoid his fireballs. After he goes back into his bottle, the bottle will charge at you. Hit it with your sword to freeze it, then pick it up and throw it against the wall. Repeat the above process until the bottle breaks. After the bottle is in shards, he'll come after you. Use the Whirling Blade Technique to do more damage than a regular hit. After a hit, he makes decoys that fly around the room (they don't hurt you). After a little while, he'll reform and throw a fireball at you. Continuously jump while his decoys are around to avoid the fireball when he reforms. After a few hits, he'll be destroyed.

Slime Eyes -- Bosses of Key Cavern (L:3). When you enter it's chamber, dash against the wall and he'll fall from the ceiling. Hit him with your sword until he's staying together by a thread, then dash at him. He'll split into two eyeballs, both with about 4 hits (from a level 1 sword). Use the Whirling Blade Technique to get more damage in. After a hit, the eye will fly up. When you see it's shadow, jump to avoid getting stunned. After you destroy both, you've won the Sea Lily Bell.

Angler Fish -- Boss of Angler's Tunnel (L:4). Easy. Just swim down to him and hit him as fast as you can and he'll die real easy. If you don't kill him fast, though, he'll stop and charge across the screen, making bricks fall from the ceiling. Also, watch out for his Angler Fry.

Slime Eel -- Boss of Catfish's Maw (L:5). Stand near a corner to avoid its swinging tail and use your hookshot when you see it poke its head out of a hole. Either the head will be pulled to you, leaving its weakness--its neck--vulnerable, or it'll send out a dummy that goes around the room and explodes after a while. When you manage to pull its head out, strike the heart in its neck repetedly with your sword.

Facade -- Boss of Face Shrine (L:6). Could be hard for the beginner or simple for the expert. As soon as you enter the room, pick up the pots in the corners so they won't be thrown at you when the battle starts. Use your shield to block the flying tiles. If you missed a pot, you can't use your shield to block it, so jump over it. After all of the tiles are gone, holes will appear then disappear. These are easy to avoid. Go up to the face in the middle of the room and place a bomb on it. Repeat until dead.

Evil Eagle -- Boss of Eagle's Tower (L:7). Firstly, always stand on the middle of the tower. Use you hookshot on its head when it flies by. After a couple of hits, it'll blow wind and feathers at you. Use your shield to block its attack. The closer you are to the middle, the less of a chance of falling off. Just like the Moldorm, if you get knocked off, you must start the battle all over again. It may also charge at you. Use your shield to block it or hit it in the head with your sword if you're fast enough. After about 8-10 hits, he'll expire.

Hot Head -- Boss of Turtle Rock (L:8). It jumps out of the lava and launches fireballs from the lava as it falls back in. Watch it! The fireballs take a lot of life from you! Use the Firerod on it and it'll fly around the room. Keep hitting it as much as you can, because every time it goes back into the lava, it regains a bit of life. If you shoot rapidfire, you won't have a tough time with it. After a bunch of hit, it turns into a weird head. Hit the head about 2-3 times to finish it.


Rolling Bones -- Mini-Boss of Tail Cave (L:1). It rolls a spiked log at you. That's pretty much for its attack. Using Roc's Feather and your sword, jump the log and keep slashing at it until it is defeated.

Hinox -- Mini-Boss of Bottle Grotto (L:2). It throws bombs at you and charges. If it successfully chages you, it picks you up and throws you at a wall or a floor. If he throws you, you get paralyzed for a short while. If you land on a cracked floor, you may fall through it. I suggest you charge your sword a bit far back and hit it with a Whirling Blade Technique. Afterwards, jump away to avoid the bomb. When he charges at you, hit him to stop his charge.

Dodongo Snakes -- Mini-Bosses of Key Cavern (L:3). Go up to one of them and place a bomb in its mouth. After the explosion, place another right in front of it to get another hit. Repeat. 3 bombs destroy one.

Cue Ball -- Mini-Boss of Angler's Tunnel (L:4). Dashes around the room at you. Stand in a corner and jump over it as it nears. Hit it in its back. After a few hits, it'll explode.

Gohmas -- Mini-Bosses of Catfish's Maw (L:5). They resemble crabs and run horizontally around the room. Use your shield to block their charges. Take the bottom one first. As soon as you see it stop, get ready. It opens its eye, reveiling its weak point. Use the Hookshot or Bow if you have them. After many hits, it'll expire, leaving a heart. Destroy the other just as you did the first. If you play the Ocarina, they open their eyes.

Smasher -- Mini-Boss of Face Shrine (L:6). It throws its ball at you. Pick the ball up and throw it back at it 4-5 times.

Grim Creeper -- Mini-Boss of Eagle's Tower (L:7). He plays his flute, calling his bat brothers. Destroy 6 bats in one wave to defeat it. If you're running low on heatlh, use your shield to block and continuously slash your sword.

Boxin' Blaino -- Mini-Boss of Turtle Rock (L:8). Do not be intimidated by him. He may look fast, bt he is really easy if you take him the right way. He hops around throwing punches. Though he can block your sword in front, his back is vulnerable. Use the Whirling Blade Technique. If you get hit by a punch, you may be paralyzed for a bit. He loves to give his charge punch, a punch sending you back to the level's entrance, when your down, so continuously move.


Moblin King -- Lives in Bowwow's Dungeon. Block its arrows with your shield and move out of its way as it charges. It'll hit the wall and be dazed/open to attack for a short time. Go up to it and hit it. When it gets back up, repeat the process.

Bomb Trooper -- Outside of Kanalet Castle is where you'll find it. It pops out of one of the holes in the ground and tosses a bomb at you. Stay near the bottom and hit it as it comes out of one of the bottom 3 holes. If you hit it, it won't toss a bomb. Gives you a Golden Leaf when you defeat it.

Ball 'n Chain Trooper -- Lives in Kanalet Castle. Use your shield when it throws its ball and chain. When he stops to swing it, hit him. Repeat.

Lanmola -- Hides in the Yarna Desert. Hit it in the head as it comes out of the swirling sand. Continuously walk to avoid getting swallowed by the sand. After a few hits, you'll be rewarded with the Angler Key.

Master Stalfos -- Holds Catfish's Maw (L:5's) weapon, the hookshot. It jumps around the room and uses its sword. Hit it to stun it, then place a bomb next to it. After 3 hits, it'll run to another room in the level. The next 2 encounters take only 2 bomb hits. At the 4th (and last) meeting, 3 hits does him in.

Armos Knight -- It becomes alive as you approach it in the Souther Shrine. It jumps around the room and slams the ground, paralyzing you for a few seconds. Shoot arrows, or use your charged up sword for fun and variety. Jump to avoid getting stunned. After a few hits, it loses its shield. After some more hits, it loses its armor. After even more hits, it leaves the Face Key behind as it is destroyed.


Shadow Blob -- The first of the final Nightmares. Stay near the middle of the room. As it emerges, it hops at you. Sprinkle Magic Powder on it. After 4-5 hits, it becomes...

Shadow Agahnim -- The second form of the final Nightmares. It charges up a beam of energy and shoot it at you. Slash the round shots back at it with your sword and jump over the plus shaped ones. If you have the shovel, you can break up the plus-shaped shots. After 5-6 hits, it becomes...

Shadow Moldorm -- The 3rd form of the final Nightmares. It runs around the room and gets a speed rush every time you hit it. Use your shield to avoid too much damage. After a lot of hits, it becomes...

Shadow Ganon -- The 4th shape of the final Nightmares. He swings his axe and many fire bats fly out at you. Jump around the room similarly to the way you did with the Genie of Bottle Grotto (L:2). Jump his axe when he tosses it at you. Equip the Pegasus Boots and your sword and dash at him before he fires bats. After a few hits, he becomes...

Shadow Gloworm -- The 5th shape of the final Nightmares. It follows you around the room. One hit from the Fire Rod or the Hookshot will destroy him. For a bit of a challenge, use a bomb. After 1 hit it becomes...

Deathl -- The final shape of the final Nightmares, also the very last boss of the game. Jump over ist swinging arms and hit it in its eye when it opens it. For an easy way out, use the boomerang to defeat him in 2-3 hits. To defeat him like you should (treat him like a final boss, will ya?), use the bow and arrows. He gets faster with each arrow. After about 20 hits, he'll perish, hope you like the end!