For information about the bosses and how to beat them, click here

--Octorok-- Lives by the beach. It shoots rocks at you, so defend with a shield and use your sword to defeat it.

--Urchin-- Lives by the beach. It stays in one place. Push it with your shield to get it out of the way or destroy it with the sword.

--Leever-- Lives by the beach and in the desert. It comes out of the sand and comes at you in a circular motion. After it goes under the sand again, it can reappear beneath your feet, so watch out. Use the sword.

--Crab-- Lives by the beach. It runs fast when going sideways, but it goes slow going up or down. Use the sword when it goes up or down to easily defeat it.

--Monkey-- Lives by the beach. It throws coconuts and sometimes bombs at you. Dash into the tree it's in to send it running away.

--Moblin-- Lives in the Mysterious Woods. It walks around and shoots arrows. Use your sword.

--Gel-- Lives everywhere on Koholint Island, especially caves. Use the sword. It may split up into two Mini Gels.

--Moblin Warrior-- Lives in the Mysterious Woods. Though it has a shield, it is weak when you attack it there. Hit at the side so you don't hit its sword.

--Mini Gel-- Lives everywhere on Koholint Island, especially in caves. Very weak, but if one jumps on you, you will be stuck for a short time.

--Keese-- Lives everywhere on Koholint Island, especially in caves. It flies around the room when you approach it. It's very weak, though.

--Buzz Blob-- Lives in prairies and by the Animal Village. Hitting it with your sword will result in a shocking defensive attack. Use the Hookshot or the Boomerang to stun it, then hit it with your sword before it revives. It turns into a Cukemon when you sprinkle Magic Powder on it. You can talk to it for some random chit-chat.

--Zora-- Lives in water, especially by Martha's Bay. It appears in a whirlpool, shoots a fireball at you, then disappears again. Hit it while its head is sticking out. Use the shield or jump the fireball.

--Hardhat Beetle-- Lives in miscellaneous caves and dungeons. You can't destroy it without bombs, but you can hit it with your sword into a pit. Using the Boomerang or Hookshot will stun it so you can pick it up and throw it in a pit.

--Shooting Statue-- It's not really an enemy, but it does hurt you. Try destroying all enemies on the screen to make it stop firing at you.

--Moldorm-- Lives in miscellaneous caves and dungeons. There are very few in the game. They crawl around the screen. Use your sword; they're not that strong.

--Spark-- Lives in many caves and dungeons. It follows the wall or item it's on. By using the boomerang, you'll get a faerie. Other than that, you can't defeat it, so leave it alone.

--Spike-- Lives in miscellaneous caves and dungeons. It charges at you when you're in it's path. Use the shield to flip it on its backside and use your sword.

--Goomba-- Lives in miscellaneous caves and dungeons. It just walks back and forth. You can use the sword or make like Mario and jump on it. If you jump on it, it always leaves a heart.

--Trap-- Lives in many dungeons. It stays in one place until you cross its path. It then charges at you. Run past it when it slowly moves back into its original postion. It can't charge at you until it reaches its original position. You can't defeat it.

--Stalfos-- Lives in many dungeons. Some run over to you and try to jump on you and some just walk around. When they see your sword, they jump away. Back them up against a wall and defeat the with the sword. Stalfos in Levels 5-8 may throw bones at you.

--Three-of-a-Kind-- Found in few dungeons. They come in threes. When you hit them with your sword, they stop on the card suit you hit them on. When all three card suits match, they disappear. You may get prizes for getting them all on a certain suit. Three hearts will net you three hearts and three diamonds will net you three rupees. The two black suits will get you nothing, though. When one's stopped, you can walk through it without getting hurt. You must stop the remaining Three-of-a-Kind before any of the stopped ones move again.

--Elite Moblin-- Found in the praries of Koholint. They act just like regular Moblins. Watch out for the arrow attack and hit it with your sword.

--Elite Moblin Warrior-- Found in the praries of Koholint. They act just like regular Moblin Warriors. Hit it in its side or top and watch out for the sword.

--Like Like-- Found in the praries of Koholint and by the Goloponga Swamp. If you get hit by it, it will "eat" you. Press buttons rapidly to get out. It may eat you shield! Watch out! Use the sword.

--Goponga Flower-- Found in the Goloponga Swamp. It is weak to the Hookshot and the Magic Rod. Bowwow will eat them, too. Otherwise, ignore them.

--Big Goponga Flower-- Found in the Goloponga Swamp. It is weak to the Hookshot and the Magic Rod. Bowwow will eat them, too. It may open up and shoot a fireball at you. There are only two in the game.

--Shyguy-- Found in a few dungeons. Their masks prevent sword attacks and they mimic your movements. Charge up your sword and get behind it. Let go of the button to defeat it.

--Hooded Stalfos-- Lives in many dungeons and caves. Unlike the regular Stalfos, they shoot arrows and don't jump. They act more like Moblins.

--Hooded Stalfos Warrior-- Lives in many dungeons and caves. Unlike the regular Stalfos, they attack with a sword. Hit it with the sword in the shield area or in its head.

--Piranha Plant-- Lives in Level Two and Level Three. It comes up out of pipes and goes back down. Use your sword on its head (using it on the stem won't work).

--Vaccuum-- Lives in a few dungeons. It pulls all enemies and heroes into itself. If you fall in, you will be warped to the level's beginning. Use your sword when it stops sucking.

--Boo Didley-- Lives in Level two only. Light the pots in the room and they'll turn to small black circles. Hit them with the sword when they're like that. Otherwise, hitting them with the sword will push them back to their original positions.

--Pol's Voice-- Lives in a couple of dungeons. Throw pots at it or play the Ballad of the Wind Fish on your ocarina to defeat them.

--Gohma-- Lives in Tal Tal Heights. It bounces around on the screen. Use your sword. Yes, it is a Gohma. It's not a Land Tektite. Tektites have 4 legs.

--Flying Octorok-- Found in the Ukuku Prarie. Using your sword will make them fly behind you and shoot a rock. Either scare them and hit them as they touch the ground or charge up your sword and poke them with it.

--Zombie-- Found in and around the Graveyard. They pop up out of the ground and walk towards you. Use your sword. They can never be defeated, though. When you defeat one, another will pop up soon.

--Ghini-- Found in the Graveyard. The Ghini on the screen when you first see it is the original. Touching graves may result in other Ghinis appearing. If you destroy the original Ghini, all other Ghinis that have appeared will be destroyed. Using the sword may take a lot of hits, but you can defeat it.

--Giant Ghini-- Found in the Graveyard. It has the same life as normal Ghinis. Destroying the original Ghini will destroy it too. There's only one in the game.

--Geldarm-- Found in the Ukuku Prarie. It comes out of pits and tries to hit you. Use your sword.

--Spider-- Found in the Ukuku Prarie. It comes out of a pit on the screen below Kanalet Castle's Moat. Only 4 can be on the screen. A single hit from your sword will do it in.

--Zirro-- Found in the Ukuku Prarie, around Martha's Bay, and in Tal Tal Heights. They fly around the screen and drop bombs. Charge up your sword and poke it. They are somewhat strong, so watch out. They usuallt turn to faeries ehn you defeat them.

--Hoarder-- Found in miscellaneous parts of the island. They mimic rocks, skulls, or bushes. You can tell them from normal object because they charge at you when you approach them. Lift up the object and it'll run around the screen. They're not very hard to defeat without their disguise...

--Piranha-- Found in miscellaneous parts of the island. They swim in water and jump out at you. Hit them with the sword to defeat them.

--Darknut-- Lives in Kanalet Castle. It shoots arrows and acts just like a Moblin. Use the sword.

--Darknut Warrior-- Lives in Kanalet Castle. It uses a sword just like Moblin Knights. Hit it in the shield area because the shield doesn't actually defend much.

--Anti-Faerie-- Lives in many dungeons. It bounces diagonally around the room and changes its direction when it hits a wall. Use the boomerang or ignore it.

--Crow-- Lives in trees, especially in the Tabahl Wasteland. When you approach it, it flies at you. Use your sword.

--Bombite-- Lives in Level 3. Hitting it with your sword will make it bounce around the screen and blow up. If you block it with your shield, it will recover the time it lost for exploding (example--if you hit it with your sword it takes about 3 seconds to explode. Use your shield before it explodes and it'll go back to a three second fuse). If you defeat it with bombs, it'll leave a bomb behind.

--Pairodd-- Lives in Level 3. When you approach it, it teleports away and fires a weapon at you. It will teleport in the same spot unless it is moved from a hit of the sword. Try to jump at it then quickly go to where it teleports to get a hit. Once you have the Pegasus Boots, you can easily dash at it.

--Countdown Bombite-- Lives in Level 3. It looks like a regular Bombite until you hit it. It will follow you and begin to countdown. Hit it with your sword to make it fall back. Hit it as it starts flashing. There are onlt three in the game.

--Armmimic-- Found in a few caves on the island. It mimics your movements. One hit from bumping into it takes a lot of damage, so keep your guard up. You can only hurt it with the L:2 sword or a Whirling Blade Technique.

--Pokey Plant-- Lives in the Yarna Desert. Hitting it with your sword will cause one of its segments to bounce around the screen if your sword isn't strong enough. After the body segments are gone, destroy the head.

--Tektite-- Lives in flooded caves and dungeons. It skids on the water at you. It can't leave the water, so seek shelter on dry land. Use the sword.

--Peahat-- Lives in a few dungeons. It flies in the sky then lands for a rest. It's only vulnerable when its on the ground and its blades stop moving. Use the sword.

--Wirrlrobe-- Lives in a few dungeons. It twirls around the screen in the same manner as an Anti-Faerie. Hit it with your sword.

--Thwimp-- Lives in dungeons. It slams the ground when you step near it. It cannot slam the ground again until it reaches its home position. Dash underneath it, you can't defeat it.

--Thwomp-- Lives in Level Four. Stepping near of underneath it will cause it to crash on the ground. You can stand on top of it where it is flat. You can't defeat it.

--Angler Fry-- Lives with the boss of Level 4--the Angler Fish. It comes out sometimes when the Angler Fish slams the wall. One hit with the sword will do it in, but it makes you fall back a bit.

--Hiploop-- Lives in a few dungeons. It's shield-like mask prevents sword attack, so hit it from behind. Use the Hookshot to destroy it or pull off the mask.

--Cheep Cheep-- Lives in a few flooded caves. It swims back and forth, making an easy target of itself. Some may pop out of the water, too. Use the sword.

--Blooper-- Lives in a few flooded caves. It swims around and stops. Use your sword.

--Armos Statue-- Lives in and around the Southern Shrine. When you hit some of them, they may spring to life. Use your Boomerang and they'll leave arrows. Use your shield to push them without awakening them.

--Wizzrobe-- Lives in Levels 6 and 7. They appear, fire a fireball, then disappear. They always appear in the same spot unless you hit them elswhere. Use bombs or the bow.

--Tile-- Lives in dungeons. They look like ordinary tiles until they fly up. they'll fly at you, so defend yourself with your shield. Sometimes they may create pits underneath themselves.

--Beamos-- Lives in dungeons. they fire bullets at you when they see you. You can deflect the shots with the Mirror Shield. You can't defeat them.

--Giant Bubble-- Lives in Level 6. It bounces around the screen in the same manner as an Anti-Faerie. There are only two in the game. You can't defeat it.

--Anti-Kirby-- Lives in Level 7. It bounces around the screen and creates a big suction attack. Use bombs or the Boomerang.

--Rope-- Lives in Level 7 and Level 8. It slowly slithers around the screen until it spots you. Then it charges at you. Use the sword.

--Rock-- Not really an enemy, but it does hurt you. It's on two screens of Koholint. It bounces down from above. You can defeat it, so jump over it or use the shield.

--Flamethrower-- Not really an enemy, but it does hurt you. It's in a cave before Level 8. Use the Mirror Shield to block the fire. If you get hit by the fire, it takes lots of damage, so keep your guard up.

--Raven-- Found on the Northwest part of Tal Tal Mountain Range. They act exactly like Crows do. Just use the sword.

--Vire-- Found in Level 8 only. It flies around the screen firing fireballs. After a few, it'll charge at you. Use the sword and it'll turn into two smaller Keese. Defeat them with the sword. If you have the Magic Rod, use that for and easy one-hit KO.

--Podoboo-- Found in Level 8 only. It jumps out of lava and falls back into it again. You can't defeat it.