Ryo Hazuki:

Age 18

Ryo's mother died of an illness when Ryo was only three. Since then, Ryo has been brought up by a surrogate mother, live-in housekeeper Ine-San and his father Iwao.
To carry on tradition, Iwao has been training Ryo in the Hazuki Style of jujitsu since he was little. However, he has little desire to carry on the Hazuki Dojo although after his current revengeful streak, this may change.
From his father, he has learnt respect which embodies his whole personality. Ryo is extremely polite and gets along well with everyone. In fact, he has befriended many neighborhood children and many shopkeepers due to his friendly personality.
Ryo has found himself a true love, in Nozomi but hides his true feelings from her, even though they both know how they feel about each other.
Since his father died, Ryo has been determined to seek revenge. He has become almost completely single-minded and thinks his whole life should be devoted to seeking Lan Di until he is defeated.
Through hi single-mindedness, Ryo has made many sacrifices, namely, the love of Nozomi, his friends, despite his father's last words, and his education.

Iwao Hazuki:

Age 46 (deceased)

Iwao was the master of the Hazuki Style martial arts, a tradition handed down through generations. Like Ryo, he also had many friends in the neighbourhood and was a well-respected member of the community.
Iwao is a very calm figure who is very insightful, very knowledgeable. Apart from the killing exposed at the beginning of Shenmue, Iwao seems to have found inner peace.
He cares for others and is full of respect. He has tried to teach this respect to Ryo and is very strict towards him. Iwao was interested in Chinese culture.
This led to him making a trip to China when he was younger. Here, he killed a man in Moon Swoon, whether it was intentional or through self-defence, we have yet to find out.
In China, Iwao made many acquaintances and picked up many pieces of Chinese art, including the two mysterious mirrors. Iwao's other hobby is calligraphy, as can be seen in the many wall scrolls hanging in the Hazuki residence, and the sign for the Bunkado Antiques store.

Ine Hayata:

Age 64

When Ryo's mother passed away, Iwao recruited Ine-san to be the live-in housekeeper for the Hazuki residence. To Ryo, she is like a surrogate mother since she has lived with the Hazuki's for fifteen years.
She controls the family finances, as well as doing all the cleaning, cooking and washing. One reason Iwao appointed Ine is because she is an excellent cook.
Ine is very quiet and full of care, and well mannered. She likes Ryo to have some discipline, as can be seen by her fretting about Ryo staying out late.
She also disapproves of Ryo's revenge, as she knows Lan Di is too powerful for him and does not want to see Ryo hurt.
She frequently tries to persuade Ryo and remains steadfast in her belief, although she secretly wishes Ryo luck.


aka Fuku-san

Age 26

Fukuhara was Iwao's only student and has lived in the Hazuki residence for ten years. Hence he and Ryo are as close as brothers.
He is willing to aid Ryo in any way possible, although he has a big mouth, and therefore occasionally inadvertently halts Ryo's progress. Fuku-san has little natural talent for martial arts, as is demonstrated by Ryo teaching him how to perform the Pit Blow, a basic Hazuki Style move, near the beginning of the game.
However, Iwao took him on as a student, because he admired Fuku's diligence, honesty and kind-heartedness. Fuku is slow to take things in, and gets easily excited.
He has a crush on Akemi, the hostess at Yokosuka Bar and frequently visits. Since Iwao's death however, Fuku tries to overcome his grief by practising in the Dojo all day long.

Nozomi Harasaki:

Age 18

Nozomi was born in Japan, but moved to Vancouver, carried when she was young. She then moved back to Japan, whilst her parents still live in Canada.
She lives with her grandmother and works in her shop, the Aida florist, whilst also studying for the college entrance exams, which Ryo has dropped due to his lust for revenge.
When Nozomi moved back to Japan, she was bullied in school because of her different upbringing. Ryo stood up for her and defended her. Since then, Nozomi has fallen in love with Ryo and they are extremely good friends who both know of their mutual feelings.
Nozomi had been too shy to tell Ryo, but since she is leaving for Canada again as her father has fallen ill, she has expressed her love. Ryo still cannot bring himself to admit to her his love, the closest he gets is "Nozomi, to me, you're… you're….. a very god friend" at the end of the game.
As their love seems pure, it will surely stay with them as they travel their separate ways with Ryo probably full of regret. Nozomi is extremely kind, even bringing Iwao's favourite flowers to the altar room in the Hazuki residence.
Nozomi takes an interest in the world, and whilst working, she gains a good perspective on it. Her dreams are for her to become an interpreter or translator after getting through college.

Lan Di:

aka Chang Long, Souryo, Rantei
Age 31

Lan Di murdered Iwao in the opening sequence of Shenmue. He did so to gain possession of the Dragon Mirror and also to revenge the death of someone in Moon Swoon, who Iwao apparently killed.
He is the leader of a Chinese cartel called the Chi You Men, a mysterious organisation whose name comes from that of a legendary monster called Chi You. There was also a tribe in Western China called the You Chi, but any connection is unknown, although the Chi You Men could have descended from the You Chi.
Lan Di is a master of an ancient martial art thought to have died out years ago. He is cold, with an iron glare who seems to kill with ease and no remorse. Lan Di's presence is completely intimidating and in his presence, everyone feels immediately scared.
This is due to his calm behaviour, his deep controlling voice, and that glare, which could infuse fear from a thousand yards..


aka Tomu-san

Age 27

Tom was born in New York and has since hitchhiked around the world. Recently, he settled down in Yokosuka, despite speaking only broken Japanese. On his travels, he learnt martial arts from various people he met in Latin America.
In Yokosuka, he set up a hot dog stall. He claims they are authentic American hot dogs, and appear to be very popular. According to Miki, his coffee is disgusting, but strangely addictive.
Who knows what the dread-locked Tom puts in it? Tom's girlfriend is Honey Jackson, who taught him Japanese. She can often be seen with Tom at the stall.
Tom is very friendly and tries to entice customers in by dancing to his favourite reggae and rap music.
Since he has been travelling, he has started to miss his family, possibly prompted by seeing Ryo's sadness at his father dying.
Tom considers Ryo one of his best friends. Strangely, Tom's hot dog stall seems to follow Ryo on his travels from Dobuita to the Harbour.