The year is 1986, the place Yokosuka, Japan. The normally tranquil day-to-day life of Ryo Hazuki is suddenly and irrecoverably shattered by uninvited visitors.
A sinister man dressed in Chinese clothes appears at the Hazuki dojo with two black-suited thugs. This man uses a powerful style of martial arts, the likes of which Ryo has never seen, to engage his father Iwao in a fierce battle.
Ryo attempts to intervene and help his father, but the obvious disparity in power is too much.

Ryo is beaten down and taken hostage as the man questions Iwao, "Where is the mirror?" Having no other resource, Iwao reluctantly tells him.
Once this mysterious object is in the man's possession, he again attacks Iwao. "Do you remember Zhao Sun Ming?"
From these words Ryo learns a shocking truth from the past- his father was responsible for killing someone long ago.
And then, Iwao is knocked down in defeat. Ryo pulls hid father close and feels him take his last breath.

Lan Di. The man with the ominous embroidery of a glittering dragon on his back…the man responsible. What of the stolen mirror?
Who is this Lan Di? Vowing to seek revenge, Ryo embarks on a journey to unravel the mystery surrounding his father's death and deliver justice to the man responsible.